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ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY ACT 2007 - SECT 41G Disclosure of information to birth parent and gamete provider


Disclosure of information to birth parent and gamete provider

41G Disclosure of information to birth parent and gamete provider

(1) The Secretary must, on application by a person who is the birth parent, or a gamete provider under a surrogacy arrangement, of a person whose parentage is transferred to another person as a result of a parentage order, disclose to the person the following information held on the central register:
(a) such non-identifying information relating to the person whose parentage is transferred as may be prescribed by the regulations,
(b) such other information relating to the person whose parentage is transferred, including information that identifies the person, as the person has consented to being disclosed under this section, but only in accordance with that consent.
(2) A person whose parentage is transferred as a result of a parentage order can consent to the disclosure of information under this section only if he or she has attained the age of 18 years.