• Specific Year

ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY ACT 2007 - SECT 33A Voluntary giving of information about private ART arrangements


Voluntary giving of information about private ART arrangements

33A Voluntary giving of information about private ART arrangements

(1) In this section:

"private ART arrangement" means ART treatment using a donated gamete that:
(a) resulted in the birth of a live offspring, and
(b) was not carried out for fee or reward or in the course of a business.
(2) The parties to a private ART arrangement, being the donor of the gamete, the woman undergoing ART treatment and any spouse of the woman may, by notice in writing, give the Secretary information about the parties and about the offspring, being information of a kind that an ART provider would be required to give the Secretary under section 33.
(3) The notice may be given at any time and must be given in an approved form.
(4) The Secretary may require that the notice be accompanied by any documents or other evidence that demonstrates the accuracy of the information contained in the notice.
(5) The Secretary may enter in the central register any information given to the Secretary under this section.