• Specific Year

ABORIGINAL LAND RIGHTS ACT 1983 - SECT 143A Advertising vacancies


Advertising vacancies

143A Advertising vacancies

(1) If it is proposed to make an appointment to the vacant position of Chief Executive Officer of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council (other than the appointment of a person to act in the position), the Council must ensure that the vacancy is advertised in a way decided by the Council to be sufficient to enable suitably qualified persons to apply for the position.
(2) If it is proposed to make an appointment to a vacant position in the staff of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council (other than the Chief Executive Officer), the Chief Executive Officer must advertise the vacancy in such manner as the Chief Executive Officer considers appropriate.
(3) The Chief Executive Officer of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may appoint a person to a vacant position in the staff of the Council without first advertising the vacancy--
(a) if the Chairperson of the Council gives approval to the filling of the vacancy, or vacancies of that kind, without advertisement of the vacancy, or
(b) in other circumstances prescribed by the regulations.