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ASSOCIATIONS INCORPORATION ACT 2009 - SECT 73 Secretary may direct association to apply for cancellation


Secretary may direct association to apply for cancellation

73 Secretary may direct association to apply for cancellation

(1) The Secretary may, by order in writing served on an association, direct the association to apply for cancellation of its registration within such time (being not less than 3 months) as is fixed by the direction.
(2) The Secretary may not give such a direction unless he or she is satisfied that, having regard to the objects of this Act, the association should no longer be registered--
(a) because some provision of the association's constitution is contrary to law, or
(b) because of the Secretary's assessment of the nature or extent of the association's activities, or
(c) because of the Secretary's assessment of the nature or extent of the association's dealings with the public, or
(d) for any other reason that appears sufficient to the Secretary.