• Specific Year

CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS (SANCTIONS--MALI) REGULATIONS 2018 (F2018L01614) - REG 8 Permit for assets and controlled assets--grant of permit


Permit for assets and controlled assets--grant of permit

             (1)  The Minister may, on application by a person under section 7 for a permit authorising a dealing mentioned in subsection 7(2), grant the permit in accordance with this section.

             (2)  If the application is for a basic expense dealing, the Minister:

                     (a)  must give the Committee notice of the application; and

                     (b)  may grant the permit only if the Committee does not make a negative decision in relation to the application within 5 working days after the notice is given.

             (3)  If the application is for a legally required dealing, the Minister may grant the permit only after giving the Committee notice of the application.

             (4)  If the application is for a contractual dealing, the Minister may grant the permit.

             (5)  If the application is for a required payment dealing, the Minister may grant the permit only after giving the Committee at least 10 working days' notice.

             (6)  If the application is for an extraordinary expense dealing, the Minister:

                     (a)  must give the Committee notice of the application; and

                     (b)  may grant the permit only with the Committee's approval.

             (7)  If the application is for a dealing mentioned in paragraph 7(2)(b), the Minister may grant the permit.

             (8)  The permit must be:

                     (a)  in writing; and

                     (b)  given to the applicant.

Note:          Section 13A of the Act deals with invalidation of permissions etc. granted on the basis of false or misleading information or documents.