• Specific Year

SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1991 No. 46, 1991 - SECT 99 Secretary may require person to have medical examination, attend course or undertake work

SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1991 No. 46, 1991 - SECT 99

Secretary may require person to have medical examination, attend course or undertake work
99. (1) If:

   (a)  a person is receiving, or has lodged a claim for, an invalid pension;

   (b)  the Secretary is of the opinion that the person should:

   (i)  undergo a medical or psychological examination; or

   (ii) receive medical or other treatment; or

   (iii) undertake a course of vocational training; or

   (iv) do any work suitable to be done by the person; and

   (c)  the Secretary notifies the person that the person is required to:

   (i)  undergo that examination; or

   (ii) receive that treatment; or

   (iii) undertake that course; or

   (iv) do that work; and

   (d)  the Secretary is satisfied that it is reasonable for this subsection
        to apply to the person; and

   (e)  the person does not take reasonable steps to comply with the
        Secretary's requirements; an invalid pension is not payable to the
        person for a period determined by the Secretary.

(2) The Secretary may determine that an invalid pension is payable for a
period for which he or she had previously determined that it was not payable
under subsection (1) if within a reasonable period the person takes reasonable
steps to comply with the Secretary's requirements.