• Specific Year

NATIONAL ROADS ACT 1974 No. 52, 1974 - SECT 9 Evidence of expenditure.

NATIONAL ROADS ACT 1974 No. 52, 1974 - SECT 9

Evidence of expenditure.
9. A State is not entitled to a payment under section 7 in relation to any
expenditure in respect of an approved project unless the State has furnished
the Treasurer with-

   (a)  a statement in respect of that expenditure, in accordance with a form
        approved by the Treasurer, accompanied by a certificate of the
        Auditor-General of the State certifying that, in his opinion, the
        amounts shown in the statement as having been expended were expended
        in respect of the approved project; and

   (b)  such further information, if any, as the Treasurer requires in respect
        of that expenditure.