• Specific Year

INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ACT 1988 No. 86 of 1988 - SECT 233 Interpretation

INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ACT 1988 No. 86 of 1988 - SECT 233

233. In this Division:

"alternative provision" means a provision of the kind referred to in
subsection 235 (4);

"amalgamated organisation", in relation to a proposed amalgamation that has
taken effect, means the organisation of which members of the organisations
that were proposed de-registering organisations have, under paragraph 249 (3)
(d), become members;

"de-registration", in relation to an organisation, means the cancellation of
the registration of the organisation;

"proposed alternative amalgamation", in relation to a scheme for a proposed
amalgamation that contains an alternative provision, means an amalgamation
proposed to be made under an alternative provision;

"proposed amalgamated organisation", in relation to a proposed amalgamation,
means the organisation or proposed organisation of which members of the
proposed de-registering organisations are proposed to become members;

"proposed amalgamation" means the proposed carrying out of arrangements in
relation to 2 or more organisations under which:

   (a)  an organisation is, or 2 or more organisations are, to be deregistered
        at the request of the organisation or organisations;

   (b)  members of the organisation or organisations to be deregistered are to
        become members of another organisation (whether existing or proposed);

   (c)  property of the organisation or organisations to be deregistered is to
        become the property of the other organisation; and

   (d)  liabilities of the de-registered organisation or organisations are to
        be satisfied by the other organisation;

"proposed de-registering organisation", in relation to a proposed
amalgamation, means an organisation that is, under the amalgamation, to be

"proposed principal amalgamation", in relation to a scheme for a proposed
amalgamation, means:

   (a)  if the scheme contains an alternative provision - the amalgamation
        proposed to be made under the scheme otherwise than under an
        alternative provision; or

   (b)  in any other case - the proposed amalgamation.