• Specific Year

INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ACT 1988 No. 86 of 1988 - SECT 131 Boards of reference

INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ACT 1988 No. 86 of 1988 - SECT 131

Boards of reference
131. (1) The Commission may, by an award, or an order made on the application
of an organisation or person bound by an award:

   (a)  appoint, or give power to appoint, for the purposes of the award, a
        board of reference consisting of a person or 2 or more persons; and

   (b)  assign to the board of reference the function of allowing, approving,
        fixing, determining or dealing with, in the manner and subject to the
        conditions specified in the award or order, a matter or thing that,
        under the award, may from time to time be required to be allowed,
        approved, fixed, determined or dealt with.

(2) The board of reference may consist of or include a Commissioner.