• Specific Year

FAIR WORK ACT 2009 (NO. 28, 2009) - SECT 592 Conferences

FAIR WORK ACT 2009 (NO. 28, 2009) - SECT 592


             (1)  For the purpose of performing a function or exercising a power of FWA (other than a function or power under Part 2‑6), FWA may direct a person to attend a conference at a specified time and place.

Note:          Part 2‑6 deals with minimum wages. For the conduct of annual wage reviews, see Subdivision B of Division 3 of Part 2‑6.

             (2)  An FWA Member (other than a Minimum Wage Panel Member), or a delegate of FWA, is responsible for conducting the conference.

             (3)  The conference must be conducted in private, unless the person responsible for conducting the conference directs that it be conducted in public.

Note:          This subsection does not apply in relation to conferences conducted in relation to unfair dismissal or general protection matters (see sections 368, 374, 398 and 776).