• Specific Year

DEFENCE LEGISLATION AMENDMENT ACT (No. 2) 1988 No. 104 of 1988 - SECT 22 Reparation orders

DEFENCE LEGISLATION AMENDMENT ACT (No. 2) 1988 No. 104 of 1988 - SECT 22

Reparation orders
22. Section 84 of the Principal Act is amended by omitting subsection (2) and
substituting the following subsection:

"(2) Where a person is convicted by a service tribunal that is a summary
authority, the amount or the sum of the amounts that that person may be
ordered to pay by that tribunal under this section shall not exceed:

   (a)  where the person is a member of the Defence Force-the amount of the
        person's pay for 14 days; or

   (b)  in any other case-5 times the maximum fine that that tribunal could
        impose on the person.".