• Specific Year

CORPORATE LAW REFORM ACT 1992 No. 210 of 1992 - SECT 15 References to civil penalty disqualification inserted in certain provisions

CORPORATE LAW REFORM ACT 1992 No. 210 of 1992 - SECT 15

References to civil penalty disqualification inserted in certain provisions
15.(1) Each of the following provisions of the Corporations Law:

   (a)  subsection 1280(3);

   (b)  subsection 1282(4);

   (c)  subsection 1287(4);

   (d)  paragraph 1292(7)(a); is amended by omitting "or a section 600 notice"
        and substituting ", a section 600 notice or a civil penalty

(2) Subsection 1287(4) of the Corporations Law is amended by omitting "or
section 600 notice" and substituting ", section 600 notice or civil penalty