• Specific Year

ACIS ADMINISTRATION ACT 1999 - SECT 45 Secretary to work out unmodulated type C credit for each


Secretary to work out unmodulated type C credit for each MVP
The Secretary must, as soon as practicable after the end of 45 days following the end of each quarter, work out the unmodulated investment credit for each MVP for that quarter in relation to type C investment in accordance with the formula:


CA is the total amount of other Commonwealth assistance (if any) received by the MVP in relation to the type C investment referred to in component H of the formula and to the type C investment referred to in component J of the formula.

H is the amount of type C investment undertaken by that MVP in the quarter concerned.

J is the total of type C investment undertaken by that MVP in all the relevant quarters preceding that quarter.

RQ is the total number of relevant quarters in relation to that quarter.

Division 3—Working out unmodulated investment credit for ACPs