• Specific Year

INCOME TAX ASSESSMENT ACT 1997 - SECT 40.305 Amount you are taken to have received under a balancing adjustment event


Amount you are taken to have received under a balancing adjustment event

  (1)   This Division applies to you as if you had received, under a * balancing adjustment event, the greater of these amounts:

  (a)   the sum of the amounts you have deducted or can deduct, or has been or will be taken into account in working out an amount you can deduct because of the balancing adjustment event and any amount by which the amount so deductible was reduced because of a case described in the table in this subsection; and

  (b)   the sum of the applicable amounts set out in that table:


Amount you are taken to have received under a balancing adjustment event


In this case:

The amount is:


You receive an amount

The amount


You terminate all or part of a liability to pay an amount

The amount of the liability or part when you terminate it


You are granted a right to receive an amount or an amount to which you are entitled is increased

The amount of the right or increase when it is granted or increased


You receive a * non - cash benefit

The * market value of the non - cash benefit when it is received


You terminate all or part of a liability to provide a * non - cash benefit

The * market value of the non - cash benefit or reduction in the non - cash benefit when the liability or part   is terminated


You are granted a right to receive a * non - cash benefit or you become entitled to an increased non - cash benefit

The * market value of the non - cash benefit, or the increase, when it is granted or increased

Note 1:   Item   1 includes not only amounts actually received but also amounts taken to have been received. Examples include the price of the notional sale made when a depreciating asset is converted to trading stock under section   70 - 30, the consideration for an asset held under a hire purchase arrangement under section   240 - 25 and a lessee's deemed consideration when a luxury car lease ends under subsection   242 - 90(3).

Note 2:   Section   230 - 505 provides special rules for working out the amount of consideration for an asset if the asset is a Division   230 financial arrangement or a Division   230 financial arrangement is involved in that consideration.

  (2)   In applying the table in subsection   (1) to a right you have to receive an amount or a * non - cash benefit, don't count any part of the right that has already been satisfied.