• Specific Year

COMMONWEALTH ELECTORAL ACT 1918 - SECT 302P Information relating to foreign donor status


Information relating to foreign donor status

  (1)   A person or entity (the first person ) obtains appropriate donor information in relation to a person or entity (the donor ) making a gift, or on whose behalf a gift is made, establishing that the donor is not a foreign donor if the first person obtains information or a document specified in column 2 of the applicable item in the following table:


Appropriate donor information


Column 1

If the donor is:

Column 2

then the appropriate donor information is:


an individual

(a) the particulars relating to the individual set out in a Roll; or

(b) a copy of a passport, of a certificate evidencing the individual's naturalisation, or of any other document evidencing the individual's Australian citizenship; or

(c) a copy of a visa evidencing the individual's permanent residency in Australia; or

(d) a copy of the individual's Subclass 444 (Special Category) visa under the Migration Act 1958 (or if that Subclass ceases to exist, the kind of visa that replaces that visa); or

(e) any information or a copy of any document prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this table item.


an incorporated entity

(a) a copy of the certificate of the entity's incorporation in Australia; or

(b) particulars of the entity's registration with the Australian Securities Investment Commission evidencing the entity's incorporation in Australia; or

(c) any information or a copy of any document prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this table item.


an entity (whether or not incorporated)

(a) copies of at least 3 recent minutes or other official documents of the entity, in accordance with subsection   (2), evidencing that high - level decisions of the entity are made in Australia, such as:

(i) decisions setting the operational policies of the entity; or

(ii) decisions appointing officers of the entity, or granting powers to such officers to carry on the entity's activities; or

(iii) directions to persons appointed to carry out the entity's activities as to how to perform functions; or

(iv) decisions on matters of finance, such as how profits are to be used; or

(b) copies of at least 3 official documents of the entity establishing that the entity's activities are principally carried out in Australia, such as:

(i) documents recording separately the number of staff or members of the entity in Australia, and overseas, carrying on activities for the entity; or

(ii) documents recording separately the scale or volume of the activities carried out in Australia, and overseas, (for example by reference to revenue derived in Australia and overseas); or

(c) for an entity that is a trust or foundation--a trust deed or other governing document evidencing:

(i) the governing law of the trust or foundation as the law of an Australian jurisdiction; or

(ii) that the head office is in Australia, or that the principal place of activity is, or is in, Australia; or

(d) any information or a copy of any document prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this table item.

Note 1:   A person or entity who obtains appropriate donor information may not commit an offence or contravene a civil penalty provision in this Division (see subsections   302D(1A) and 302E(2)).

Note 2:   In 2018, trust deeds or other governing documents of entities registered under the Australian Charities and Not - for - profits Commission Act 2012 were generally available on the Australian Charities and Not - for - profits Register as a governing document (see https://www.acnc.gov.au).

  (2)   For the purposes of paragraph   (a) of item   3 of the table, each of the minutes or other official documents must evidence a different kind of decision.

  (3)   For the purposes of item   3 of the table, information may be omitted, redacted or deleted from the minutes, documents or information.