• Specific Year

Brennan, Frank --- "The Prospects for National Reconciliation Following the Post-Wik Standoff of Government and Indigenous Leaders" [1999] UNSWLawJl 14; (1999) 22(2) UNSW Law Journal 618

[*] Father Frank Brennan SJ AO, a Jesuit priest and lawyer, is an Adjunct Fellow at the Australian National University in the Research School of Social Sciences, Honorary Visiting Fellow in Law at the University of New South Wales, the Director of Uniya, the Jesuit Social Justice Centre in Sydney, and a member of the Council of the Constitutional Centenary Foundation. He has written extensively on Aboriginal Land Rights and is the author of a number of books, including The Wik Debate, UNSW Press (1998), One Land One Nation: Mabo - Towards 2000, University of Queensland Press (1995), Sharing the Country, Penguin (2nd ed, 1994) and Land Rights Queensland Style, University of Queensland Press (1992) and is the co-author of Finding Common Ground, Collins Dove (rev ed, 1986) and Reconciling Our Differences, Aurora Books, David Lovell Publishing (1992). His books on civil liberties are Too Much Order With Too Little Law, University of Queensland Press (1983) and Legislating Liberty, University of Queensland Press (1998).

[1] Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Bringing Them Home: Report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and their Families, 1997.

[2] [1998] HCA 71; (1998) 158 ALR 527 at 547.

[3] Queensland, Legislative Assembly 1998, Debates, No 6, p 1512.

[4] [1996] USSC 28; 116 S Ct 1114 (1996).

[5] Communciations Section, Aboriginal Reconcilation Branch, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, The People’s Movement for Reconciliation: Proceedings of the Australian Reconciliation Convention: Book 1 (1997) p 123.