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McKenna, Mark; Simpson, Amelia; Williams, George --- "With Hope in God, the Prime Minister and the Poet: Lessons from the 1999 Referendum on the Preamble" [2001] UNSWLawJl 29; (2001) 24(2) UNSW Law Journal 401

[*] Australian Research Council Fellow, History, School of Humanities, Australian National University. Parts of this paper have been developed from Mark McKenna, ‘First Words: A Brief History of Public Debate on a New Preamble to the Australian Constitution 1991-99’ (Research Paper No 16, Parliament of Australia Parliamentary Library, 1999-2000).

[**] Associate, Columbia Law School; Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Australian National University.

[***] Anthony Mason Professor and Director, Gilbert & Tobin Centre of Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales; Barrister, New South Wales Bar.

The authors thank Pat Knowles for his research assistance and the anonymous referees for their helpful comments and criticisms.

[1] [2001] UNSWLawJl 28; (2001) 24 University of New South Wales Law Journal 382.

[2] Ibid 393.

[3] 1998 Constitutional Convention, Report of the Constitutional Convention, Old Parliament House, Canberra, 2-3 February 1998 (1998) vol 3, 10.

[4] Ibid.

[5] 1998 Constitutional Convention, Report of the Constitutional Convention, Old Parliament House, Canberra, 2-3 February 1998 (1998) vol 2, 165-9. See generally the reports on the Convention in The Weekend Australian (Sydney), 6-7 February 1999; Frank Brennan, ‘The Prospects for National Reconciliation Following the Post-Wik Standoff of Government and Indigenous Leaders’ [1999] UNSWLawJl 14; (1999) 22 University of New South Wales Law Journal 618, 622.

[6] McKenna, Simpson and Williams, above n 1, 393.

[7] 1998 Constitutional Convention, Report of the Constitutional Convention, Old Parliament House, Canberra, 2-3 February 1998 (1998) vol 1, 46-7.

[8] John Howard, Transcript of Election Night Speech, Sydney, 3 October 1998, Prime Minister’s Website, at 17 October 2001.

[9] Commonwealth, Parliamentary Debates, House of Representatives, 8 February 1999, 2061 (John Howard, Prime Minister).

[10] See, eg, ‘Letters’, The Australian (Sydney), 12 February 1999, 14; Mark McKenna, ‘A new preamble just might save the republic’, The Age (Melbourne), 8 February 1999, 13; and Mark McKenna, ‘Referendum only as good as its words’, The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney), 8 February 1999, 17.

[11] ‘Djerrkura plea for republic’, The Koori Mail (Lismore), 24 February 1999, 5.

[12] Richard McGregor, ‘PM gets his way on black preamble’, The Australian (Sydney), 17 February 1999, 1.

[13] Gervase Green, ‘I will write the preamble, says PM’, The Age (Melbourne), 18 February 1999, 3.

[14] John Uhr (ed), The Australian Republic: The Case for Yes (1999) 203.

[15] Constitutional Centenary Foundation, ‘We the people of Australia...’ Ideas for a new Preamble to the Australian Constitution (1999), and Gervase Green, ‘PM under pressure on preamble’, The Age (Melbourne), 25 February 1999, 10. Also see Stefanie Balogh, ‘Students rewrite history with an eye on the future’, The Australian (Sydney), 25 February 1999, 4, on school children and Norman Abjorensen, ‘Keep it simple: preamble message’, The Canberra Times (Canberra), 25 February 1999, 2 .

[16] Norman Abjorensen, ‘It’s the vision thing’, The Canberra Times (Canberra), 27 February 1999, 3; The Sunday Age (Melbourne), 7 March 1999, C3 .

[17] Luke Slattery, ‘Poet Les happy to preamble on’, The Australian (Sydney), 4 March 1999, 3, and Stephanie Peatling, ‘PM knows poet’s prose apt for preamble’, The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney), 4 March 1999, 8. Murray’s own recollections on the experience can be found in Les Murray, The Quality of Sprawl (1999), 213-35. See also Mark McKenna, ‘The Tyranny of Fashion: John Howard’s Preamble to the Australian Constitution(1999) 10 Public Law Review 163.

[18] John Howard, Transcript of Prime Minister’s press conference, Canberra, 23 March 1999, Prime Minister’s Website, at 17 October 2001.

[19] Louise Dodson, ‘Preamble beneath us: Beazley’, The Australian Financial Review (Sydney), 24 March 1999, 3; Margo Kingston, ‘Custody battle may kill November vote’, The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney), 25 March 1999, 4.

[20] See, eg, Michael Mansell, Letter to the Editor, The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney), 12 February 1999, 16; Peter Yu, Letter to the Editor, The Australian (Sydney), 19 February 1999, 12; Lowitja O’Donoghue in Tony Stephens, ‘Preamble pathetic: O’Donoghue’, The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney), 16 April 1999, 7; Gatjil Djerrkura in Michelle Grattan and Margo Kingston, ‘PM sparks war of words’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 24 March 1999, 1. See also Editorial, The Age (Melbourne), 24 March 1999, 14; and Bain Attwood, ‘Reprise of the dishonourable silence’, The Australian (Sydney), 25 March 1999, 15.

[21] Stephanie Peatling, ‘Mateship an insult say angry feminists’, The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney), 24 March 1999, 10. See also Judith Wright, as quoted in Stuart Rintoul et al, ‘Blokey concept no mate to women,’ The Australian (Sydney), 24 March 1999, 5.

[22] Wojciech Sadurski, ‘Sorry but your draft is daft’, The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney), 25 March 1999, 21. See also Editorial, The Age (Melbourne), 30 April 1999, 16, which provides a summary of the major criticisms of the Howard-Murray Preamble.

[23] Gervase Green, ‘Howard admits threat to Preamble’, The Age (Melbourne), 30 April 1999, 2; Editorial, The Age (Melbourne), 30 April 1999, 16; see especially Wojciech Sadurski, above n22. See generally The Australian (Sydney), 24 March 1999 for a variety of perspectives.

[24] Paul Kelly, ‘A Preamble too bad to be true’, The Australian (Sydney), 24 March 1999, 13; George Winterton and Mark McKenna, ‘Two Preambles is Stretching the Mateship’, The Australian (Sydney), 22 April 1999, 13.

[25] See, eg, editorial calling for wider consultation: Editorial, The Australian (Sydney), 24 March 1999, 12; and a range of criticisms in Dennis Shanahan, ‘Premiers doom PM’s Preamble’, The Australian (Sydney), 13 April 1999, 1.

[26] Marian Sawer, ‘Visible at Last? Women and the Preamble’ in Uhr, above n 14, 143.

[27] Shanahan, above n 25. For other criticisms, eg, from conservative Andrew Robb, see Aban Contractor, ‘Preamble uninspiring and insignificant: Robb’, The Canberra Times (Canberra), 30 March 1999, 3.

[28] Dennis Shanahan, ‘Democrat, PM in preamble deal’, The Weekend Australian (Sydney), 7-8 August 1999, 8; Richard McGregor, ‘New boy walking halls like a veteran’, The Weekend Australian (Sydney), 7-8 August 1999, 8.

[29] Gatjil Djerrkura, Lack of Proper Consultation Sinks Referedum, ATSIC Media Release (8 November 1999).

[30] A Joint Select Committee on the Republic Referendum was established on 10 June 1999 to enquire into the Constitution Alteration (Republic) 1999 (Cth) and the Presidential Nominations Committee Bill 1999 (Cth). The Committee received 122 original written submissions, exhibits and other correspondence, and held public hearings in major cities. It reported on 9 August 1999. The Committee’s terms of reference did not enable it to consider proposed constitutional preambles. See Joint Select Committee on the Republic Referendum, Advisory Report on Constitution Alteration (Establishment of Republic) 1999 and Presidential Nominations Committee Bill 1999 (1999) 2.

[31] See Nicholas Aroney, ‘A Public Choice? Federalism and the Prospects of a Republican Preamble’ [1999] UQLawJl 9; (1999) 20 University of Queensland Law Journal 262; Gregory Craven, ‘The Constitutional Minefield of Australian Republicanism’ (1992) 8(3) Policy 33, 34-5; Stephen Gageler and Mark Leeming, ‘An Australian Republic: Is a Referendum Enough?’ (1996) 7 Public Law Review 143, 147; George Winterton, ‘The States and the Republic: A Constitutional Accord?’ (1995) 6 Public Law Review 107, 120-1. Compare Constitutional Commission, Final Report of the Constitutional Commission (1988) vol 1, 122.

[32] John Howard, Transcript of Prime Minister’s press conference, Canberra, 11 August 1999, Prime Minister’s Website, at 17 October 2001.

[33] See George Williams, ‘Race and the Australian Constitution: From Federation to Reconciliation’ (2000) 38 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 643.

[34] Commonwealth, Parliamentary Debates, House of Representatives, 11 August 1999, 8436; Commonwealth, Parliamentary Debates, Senate, 12 August 1999, 7370.

[35] Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984 (Cth) s 11.

[36] Peter Andren, ‘Preamble Left in the Shade’, The Canberra Times (Canberra), 5 November 1999, 5.

[37] Constitution Alteration (Preamble) 1999 (Cth) s 4.

[38] See George Winterton, ‘The 1998 Convention: A Reprise of 1898?’ (1998) 21 University of New South Wales Law Journal 856, 864.

[39] See, eg, ibid.

[40] Leslie Zines, ‘Preamble to a Republican Constitution(1999) 10 Public Law Review 67, 68.

[41] Sir Harry Gibbs, ‘A Preamble: The Issues’ in The Samuel Griffith Society, Upholding the Australian Constitution (1999) vol 11, 85, 92.

[42] Ibid 92-3.

[43] [1995] HCA 20; (1995) 183 CLR 273.

[44] See Andren, above n 36.

[45] George Williams, ‘Two Preambles, One Dog’s Dinner’, The Australian (Sydney), 1 November 1999, 17. See also George Williams, ‘What any preamble needs: us’, The Australian (Sydney), 10 August 1999, 15.

[46] Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (Imp).

[47] Karen Middleton, ‘Rights Bill calls lead to Preamble’, The West Australian (Perth), 26 October 1999, 10; Karen Middleton, ‘A Preamble to Suit all Tastes’, The Mercury (Hobart), 4 November 1999, 7; The Northern Territory News (Darwin), 4 November 1999, 8; The West Australian (Perth), 4 November 1999, 8; Annabel Crabb, ‘Howard goes into bat for preamble’, The Mercury (Hobart), 6 November 1999, 4.

[48] Michelle Grattan, ‘Defining Virtues’, The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney), 23 October 1999, 43. Also Greg Roberts, ‘Preamble’s Native Title Jeopardy’, The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney), 31 August 1999, 2.

[49] ‘The Case for Voting “NO” in Australian Electoral Commission, Yes/No Referendum ’99 (1999) 27.

[50] Stuart Rintoul, ‘Aboriginal Leaders Go Both Ways on Republic’ The Weekend Australian (Sydney), 30-31 October 1999, 11.

[51] Editorial, ‘Preamble Will Unite’, The West Australian (Perth), 4 November 1999, 9; Margo Kingston, ‘Howard Moves to Save His Preamble’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 2 November 1999, 4; Michael Mansell in Julian Foley, ‘Aboriginal People should say No to the Referendum’, (October 1999) Land Rights 1; Karen Middleton, ‘Kimberley Council Urges Double No’, The West Australian (Perth), 30 October 1999, 9.

[52] Rebecca Rose, ‘PM Affirms Reconciliation’, The West Australian (Perth), 8 November 1999, 9.

[53] George Megalogenis, ‘Preamble Driver’s been asleep at the wheel’, The Australian (Sydney), 5 November 1999, 7.

[54] Margo Kingston, ‘Jittery PM’s last minute ad campaign’, The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney), 5 November 1999, 9.

[55] Richard McGregor, ‘Ridgeway leaves it too late on Preamble’, The Australian (Sydney), 3 November 1999, 4.

[56] Gerard Henderson, ‘The Odd Politics of Illogicality’, The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney), 26 October 1999, 17.

[57] Phillip Coorey, ‘Costello Fears for Fate of Preamble’, The Mercury (Hobart), 1 November 1999, 7.

[58] Australian Electoral Commission, Australian Referendums 1906-1999 (1999). This publication (on CD ROM) is the source of the Table 4 and the following seat-based conclusions.

[59] David Nason, ‘Preamble defeat blow to Howard’, The Australian (Sydney), 8 November 1999, 5.

[60] See David Marr et al, ‘Danger Ahead for Howard as Battlers Rush to Vote No’, The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney), 8 November 1999, 14; on the high NO vote in rural areas, see generally The Australian, 8 November 1999.

[61] Margo Kingston, ‘Ignorance killed Preamble’, The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney) 8 November 1999, 13; Authors, ‘Titles’, The Australian, 8 November 1999. Rose, above n 52.

[62] Australian Electoral Commission, above n 49, 9. See George Williams, ‘Why Australia Kept the Queen’ (2000) 63 Saskatchewan Law Review 477, 497-8 for discussion of these arguments.

[63] Margo Kingston, ‘Howard Keen to Reconcile’, The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney), 9 November 1999, 8.

[64] This was a point made effectively by the formal NO case on the preamble. See Australian Electoral Commission, above n 49, 35.

[65] Jeremy Webber, ‘Constitutional Poetry: The Tension Between Symbolic and Functional Aims in Constitutional Reform’ [1999] SydLawRw 10; (1999) 21 Sydney Law Review 260.

[66] Ibid 262 fn 7. Webber suggests: ‘In our constitutional drafting we should make sure that we leave open sufficient room for ... experimentation, exploration, and even mystery. That way we will keep faith with the open and evolving character of our communities – and, not incidentally, with our democratic character’: ibid 277.

[67] See the outcomes of the Convention, which are available online at the website of the National Library of Australia, at 13 September 2001. See also John Braithwaite, ‘Community Values and Australian Jurisprudence’ [1995] SydLawRw 21; (1995) 17 Sydney Law Review 351.

[68] Commonwealth, Parliamentary Debates, House of Representatives, 30 October 1996, 6156.

[69] Republic Advisory Committee, An Australian Republic: The Options (1993) vol 1, 139-41; Constitutional Commission, above n 31, vol 1, 104-9.

[70] Gatjil Djerrkura, Lack of Proper Consultation Sinks Referendum, ATSIC Media Release (8 November 1999). See also Brennan, above n 5, 622-3; Greta Bird and Loretta Kelly, ‘Women Speak Out: Critical Perspectives on the Proposed Preamble to the Constitution[2000] AUJlHRights 13; (2000) 6 Australian Journal of Human Rights 265.